Skals Fitness Centre Rules and regulations

1. Only members of Skals Fitness may train in the Centre. The key tag is issued on a strictly personal basis and must be used to scan each time one enters the Centre. This applies even if one accompanies other members. Children and others persons may not accompany members in to the Centre.

2. Before using the Centre’s facilities, all members must have received instruction in the use of the machines and re-racking weights before using the Centre’s facilities.

3. Show consideration and respect for other members. The trainer’s instructions are to be followed at all times. Random control of key tags and membership can occur.

4. The changing of clothes must take place in the designated changing rooms. Bags, outdoor clothes and shoes are to be stored in the changing rooms. Outdoor footwear is not per-mitted in the Centre. Training to be done in clean foot-wear that does not mark the floor.

5. After use the equipment must be wiped clean and tidied up (weights, rods, etc. put in place).

6. Mobile phones must be switched to silent mode. Any calls / conversations must be carried out outside the Centre.

7. The Centre is used at one’s own risk.

8. The Centre is open from 06:00 to 23:00. If you wish to exercise outside these hours it must first be agreed with Skals Fitness Board.

9. Video surveillance is installed in the gym. Recordings will only be used in cases of vandalism, theft and the like.

10. Smoking, drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited in the Centre. Under no circumstances may training be carried out while intoxicated.

11. Doping in any form is forbidden. Cases will be reported to Anti Doping Denmark and will result in immediate expulsion from the Centre. Inspections are carried out by Anti- Doping Denmark at Skals Fitness.

Violations of the above rules may result in a warning, expulsion, suspension or immediate termination of membership.

Subscriptions are not refunded in the event of expulsion, suspension or termination of membership by breach of the above rules.